Featured Images

Ag Heritage Museum

A "must visit" during Fieldays

Before fencing

National Dairy Museum

Russell Gate Set


Vintage Machinery display


Vintage Machinery display


National Dairy Museum


National Dairy Museum


The completed fencing

125mm posts and our 150mm x 50mm high grade rails

BTD Interlock Fence - Ag Heritage Museum Mystery Creek Hamilton Fieldays


Mystery Creek Events Centre, Hamilton

Type of Fence:

3 Rail BTD Interlock™ fence using our standard 125mm sq posts and our 150mm x 50mm x 2.0m rails, H3.2 treated, precisely machined to give a tidy and clean mortise and cut to exact length.

Customer Brief & Testimonial:

Alan Reily, heritage co-ordinator, Mystery Creek Events Centre, says the Agriculture Heritage Museum is a busy place during Fieldays.

“With thousands of visitors over four days we require functional, strong fencing to guide foot traffic and to keep our Clydesdales where they need to be, but more importantly we need it to look in keeping with our heritage building and grounds.

“Beams and Timber Direct ticked all of these boxes, providing a professional service, customised to our needs.”

Beams & Timber Direct Ltd:

Beams & Timber Direct say they were delighted to be selected to provide their BTD Interlock™ fence and gates for the Ag Heritage Museum.

“Not only does it look fantastic – it also serves as a permanent showcase for our fencing.” Featuring 200mm square gate posts, our popular Russell Gate sets, and both 125mm sq and 150mm sq posts - its great for our Fieldays® visitors to see the range we can offer and what they can choose from for their own projects"

“The fence has just one standard gate design to give a uniform look for the heritage area, but we have many other gates styles available and as usual we featured one gate option - the "Kinloch" on our stand at Fieldays in June,” says Julie, together with 250mm sq posts and 300mm sq gate posts to hang the Kinloch gates.